This month: The future of Farming
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?The future of Farming

Farming food for a growing population is a big, global issue that needs to be addressed today; not tomorrow, not the next day, but now.

This is why Atlas of the Future is dedicating May to those projects and people that have taken farming matters into their own hands to change the nature of agriculture forever.

But wait, is it still farming if you no longer need soil? Who creates essential proteins out of thin air and farms vertically underwater while regenerating the ocean at the same time?

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?The future of Farming

Farming food for a growing population is a big, global issue that needs to be addressed today; not tomorrow, not the next day, but now.

This is why Atlas of the Future is dedicating May to those projects and people that have taken farming matters into their own hands to change the nature of agriculture forever.

But wait, is it still farming if you no longer need soil? Who creates essential proteins out of thin air and farms vertically underwater while regenerating the ocean at the same time?

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